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Visitas al Vaticano


74 %

Visita guiada por la Ciud
€ 250,00
€ 63,90
Por persona
Museos Vaticanos, Capilla sixtina, Basílica de San Pedro
3 horas
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Nuestra visita más popular de Roma incluye las atracciones más famosas del Vaticano. Tendrá tiempo para disfrutar de su visita al saltarse la cola.

Pasee por las innumerables maravillas de los museos vaticanos mientras nuestro guía cualificado revela interesantes historias y detalles. Los platos fuertes de los Museos Vaticanos incluyen: Museo Pio-Clementino, Apartamentos Borgia, Estancias de Rafael*, Galería de los Mapas, Galería de los Tapices, Galería de los Candelabros y la Piedad de Miguel Ángel.

Observe las obras maestras de algunos de los artistas más famosos de Italia antes de pasar a la Capilla Sixtina, donde contemplará la obra de arte más importante de Miguel Ángel: El Juicio Final.

La última parada de esta visita a pie de la Ciudad del Vaticano es la Basílica de San Pedro, hogar de la divina Piedad de Miguel Ángel y una de las iglesias más grandes y más bonitas del mundo.
Skip the line ticket - Va
€ 85,00
Por persona
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It is well known that the entrance queues to the Vatican Museums are notoriously long, but with pre-paid skip-the-line tickets, you will not have to worry about the wait and can make the most of your time in Rome. Enjoy exploring the outstanding Vatican collections independently, or upgrade your experience to include an expert tour guide who will make sure you miss nothing in the expansive Museums and give you a day to remember.

  • Forget about waiting in long queues and start discovering the papal collections straightaway
  • Choose from a range of time slots to best plan your day
  • Create your own tour and customize your visit according to your interests
  • Marvel at works by some of the greatest artists from throughout history, from Michelangelo to Picasso.
Tour privado del Vaticano
€ 3.200,00
Por persona
Museos Vaticanos, Capilla sixtina, Basílica de San Pedro
3 horas
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The Vatican is one of the most famous sites of Rome, and this private tour gives you an exceptional experience of this incredible destination.

Discover the incredible artwork of the papal collection in the Vatican Museums, which covers over 2000 years of masterpieces. Visit the most outstanding works with your guide, who will tailor the tour to your interests and give you a personal experience of this ever-popular site. Complete your artistic feast with a visit to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, before exploring St. Peter’s Basilica to admire the church at the centre of Catholicism.
Paseo nocturno por la Ciu
€ 250,00
Por persona
Museos Vaticanos, Capilla sixtina
3 horas
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If you’re in Rome between April and October, don’t miss this Vatican night tour, which takes place only on Fridays. With a knowledgeable guide, tour the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel at night, when you can admire the revered collection of art without the larger daytime crowds. Visit the Gallery of Maps and Raphael’s Rooms, and see the Michelangelo masterpieces that cover the Sistine Chapel’s famous frescoed ceiling.
Itinerario privado por el
€ 3.200,00
Por persona
Pinacoteca del Vaticano, Museo Chiaramonti, Galería de mapas, Habitaciones de raphael, Capilla sixtina
3 horas
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Enjoy the best of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel comfortably and without any stress on a wheelchair-accessible route. See the Pinacoteca Gallery, Chiaramonti Museum, Gallery of Maps, Raphael Rooms and Sistine Chapel with our captivating guide on a private tour.

  • Enjoy skip-the-line access and see the best of the papal collections accessible by wheelchair
  • See works by some of the greatest Italian artists
  • Marvel at the splendor of the Sistine Chapel
Museos Vaticanos y Capill
€ 280,00
Por persona
Museos Vaticanos, Pinacoteca del Vaticano, Museo Chiaramonti, Capilla sixtina
2.5 horas
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Take this 2-hour tour of the Vatican Museums and discover the highlights of the unparalleled papal collections. See Michelangelo’s beautiful work in the Sistine Chapel.
  • See works by great artists from throughout the ages, from Da Vinci to Dali
  • Discover Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel
  • Save time with skip-the-line access
Vatican After Hours Tour
€ 115,00
Por persona
2.5 horas
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The stand-out feature of our exclusive Vatican Off-Limits Tour is the incredible opportunity to spend time alone in the Sistine Chapel. That’s right: thirty minutes, alone, inside the Sistine Chapel, just you and your immediate party, so silent you can hear a pin drop.

The Sistine Chapel is of course best known for the masterpiece of Michelangelo that adorns its ceiling - the Story of Creation. It’s an essential part of every Vatican Tour, naturally, but usually you’d be herded through the chapel alongside thousands of others. With Nicom Tours’ VIP Off-Limits access Vatican Tour there’s none of that.